Artist Insight #10! We have been lucky to represent and talk to some of the most amazing upcoming talents and we this week we present Lauren Grande.
Sweetland is Grande's third studio album and we can clearly see the amount of hard work that has gone in with the sheer number of quality tracks on the record. Each track tells its own unique story whilst still fitting the overall theme of Sweetland. Lauren takes on relevant themes getting straight to the point with 'Mental Health' for example, which is a very relatable song for most listeners. We have no doubt that Lauren has the ability to make it big and produce more music that brings a smile to many faces.
With this new album and with a recently released book we were excited to ask Lauren about the journey so far and his plans for the future, discussing the obstacles to success.
“Wow you’re third studio album, how does that feel? Did you ever think of reaching here when you started?”
Wow yes !! It feels insane, just because of the fact that this album really came up in a strange way. It was SUPER improvised, though I love each song on the album. On the other hand, look, I always wanted to release music and albums, so I always thought there will be three minimum, but I never thought I would get to it in this conditions, you know I relate this to the pandemic we’re going through.
“Congrats on everything, especially the new book. What inspired this new venture?”
Thank you, I really feel like an ambitious person when it comes to achieving goals, and once I was done with the music, I felt like something was missing on me. All my music is based on my everyday life and past experiences, but I felt like, people doesn’t know me enough yet, so I wrote this book based on more experiences and anecdotes, so they can know all they want about me.
“ Where does the inspiration for your music come from? What artists do you look up to?"
As I said before, all my music is based on my everyday life and my experiences, all of this is because I like to be open and share my opinion about what I experienced. I am mostly inspired by artists like Billie Eilish, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez and many more. Also some friends of mine such as genua, Tonne 6 and BOADRAY.
"What’s 2021 looking like for you? Plans for the rest of the year?"
To be honest, I don’t have the ability to look forward to what is going to happen the next months, but I would be happy if I could still continue making music. When it comes to my plans, I am so excited to answer this question, I have some collaborations I’ve been working on, with very interesting people, people I love, also, I haven’t worked really on my own music really. And I would also like to share the new news with you, I’ve got the Goteo Remix coming soon, with some features on it. I’m just making the last touches. And as you said, my book is coming on May second, which is really exciting !!
"What was the hardest obstacle that you overcame to reach this point in your career?"
That’s a hard one, I guess heartbreak was hard to deal with, but I learned how to switch it into a positive thing and take advantage from it and release tons of music about it.